Aloha world!

Well, this blog has been about 10 years in the making. Years ago I was thinking I might open an Etsy shop and start craft blogging so my partner bought me a domain. I spent years thinking I’d start soon and then finally decided last year that I should give up when the friend who had taken over domain management asked me if she should renew. I told her not to bother, although unbeknownst to me she didn’t listen and renewed it anyway. I found out later when she told me she’d been contacted by someone wanting to buy the domain. What should she do? I told her to sell it. In her infinite wisdom, she didn’t listen again. So now, as soon as we get the technical details worked out, I can tell people to go to 🙂 Thanks, Jen!

I’m still learning my way around WordPress so there may be lots of changes initially. I hope to post product reviews, patterns, works in progress, and other crafty thoughts  mainly about yarn, knitting, and crocheting, but perhaps occasionally sewing and origami.

You can find me on Ravelry (curious-threads) and email me at curious[dot]threads[at]gmail.